OPEN HOUSE Saturday, October 12th ~ 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM ~ Come and See!

Church School Activities

Church School Activities

  • Youth Sundays: About once a month our youth assist during the Sunday Divine Liturgy with greeting, reading the Epistle, offering collection, singing with the choir, and straightening up the Church after Liturgy.

  • J.O.Y. Fellowship (PK-6th): On a few Sundays throughout the summer we offer this half hour program for children in grades K-2 and 3-5 in the place of Church School classes. The children get to spend time together to sing, learn and participate in an activity.

  • Family Nights: This is a very popular, once a month Wednesday evening event, from September to February. We start with a church sponsored dinner. Then the adults hear one of our church families share their story. The children have breakout sessions in two groups, K-2nd grades and 3rd-5th grades, where they have a brief lesson and play a game and/or make a craft. Lessons are provided.

  • Backpack Blessing: In mid-August students are encouraged to bring their backpacks to church to be blessed after the Sunday Divine Liturgy for the new school year!

  • Fall Festival: On the Sunday just before Halloween, the children participate in a variety of carnival-type games. Lunch is provided, costumes are welcomed, and the kids have a blast!

  • Christmas Presentation: Usually on the Sunday before Christmas, the children participate in a presentation of songs and readings in the Hall after the Divine Liturgy. We also have the Cultural Christmas Cookies event, and a visit from St. Nicholas.

  • Sunday of Orthodoxy: All children are encouraged to bring an icon for the procession around the church during the service to celebrate the Triumph of Orthodoxy.

  • Creative Arts Festival: Two or three workshop days are offered in January-March for students to work on their projects for the Creative Arts Festival for the summer Parish Life Conference.

  • Spring Festival: Every year on Lazarus Saturday, a picnic lunch is held following the Divine Liturgy, and the children participate in an Egg Hunt, as well as additional activities. All those in attendance may make palm crosses for the following Palm Sunday.

  • Myrrh Bearers: All girls in grades K-5 may participate in the Holy Friday Lamentations service as the myrrh bearers. All they need is a white dress! They must be able to attend the mandatory practice after the service on the Friday evening the week before Holy Friday.

  • Vacation Bible School: VBS usually occurs in late June and is always a fun time of stories, singing, crafts and activities. This program is for all children who will be in grades K-5 during the upcoming school year.

  • Camp St. Raphael : Although not a Church School event, every July we strongly encourage all children who are 9 years old through 12th grade to go to camp. Most children have a blast and want to go back next year!

  • Summer Fun Game Day: On a Sunday in July, we sponsor a picnic lunch and a special game day - usually the children versus the Parish Council, and all other adults who wish to join in, in a vibrant game of kickball!