About Us

Our History as a Church Family

Modern People Living the Apostolic Faith...

We are everyday Americans living a faith rooted in Christ's two greatest commandments: to love God and to love my neighbor. Our Church community is a bright and exciting example of a true Pan-Orthodox church in America, bringing together the unchanged and undiluted Christian Faith in a rich tapestry of ethnic and cultural diversity. Some of our members come from traditional Orthodox national backgrounds – Middle Eastern, Greek, Russian, Romanian, Serbian, and many other countries across the globe! However, many other parishioners are converts from traditional western backgrounds, who have chosen for themselves the ancient, authentic Christian Faith. Together, we have discovered the life-giving, uncompromised truth of the Holy Gospel. We are a growing community of the faithful, coming together as one body – the very living Body of Christ – for the salvation of the souls and worship of Almighty God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Our Church began as an outreach program in 1982 with the vision of several parishioners from our mother parish, St. George who wanted to establish an Orthodox Christian Church in the North Houston area. Meetings were held in a subdivision clubhouse and in homes for a year. Afterwards, our community was granted mission status and a temporary place of worship was established in a shopping center suite on FM 1960. In May, 1983, our late Archbishop, His Eminence, Metropolitan PHILIP of blessed memory, blessed the founding of an Orthodox Christian Mission which, at that time, was called “Orthodox Christian Mission of Harris County.” The first Divine Liturgy was celebrated on June 25, 1983 and on February 1, 1984; we were placed under the patronage of St. Anthony the Great.

In 1987, a handful of parishioners purchased a small lot of property on Mirror Lake Road, where we worshiped until 2007 and since April 16, 2011, we have moved into our current temple.

Our parish community welcomes visitors and welcomes you to "come and see" us. To plan a visit or schedule a tour of our temple, please send us an email.